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B.S. or B.A. in Psychology

Begin your career in studying and understanding human behavior

华人博彩论坛的心理学学士学位提供了一种知识 base for understanding human behavior, broadly applicable to many fields, as well 这些技能在任何职业中都是至关重要的,无论是当前的还是尚未确定的,包括 诸如统计素养、分析思维、科学推理和 writing, communication, and interpersonal and collaborative skills.

Why Earn Your B.A. or B.S. in Psychology?

A degree in psychology provides the foundation for a variety of career paths. While 从事与心理学相关的工作,一个人可以真正改变别人的生活 通过帮助他们理解他们的思维过程,改善他们的心理健康. 有了心理学学位,你可以在教育、 sales, marketing, social work, data analysis, administration, and many more. Earning a bachelor's degree in psychology can also position students for further study at the graduate and doctoral levels. 

B.A. or B.S. in Psychology



About the Program

心理学会有四门所有学生都要上的核心课程 到心理学,心理学作为科学和职业研讨会,社会统计学 Sciences, and Research Methods. These courses build critical skills in analytical thinking, scientific literacy, statistical literacy, and scientific communication that are useful in a wide range of careers. 

除了核心课程,心理学专业的学生还至少选修一门 course of their choice from each of the four domain areas (biological, cognitive, developmental, social), thus providing them with breadth across the main areas of psychology and the ability to pursue topics of interest to them in more depth.  

学生也可以选择广泛的选修课程,通常由专家授课 or practitioners in applied areas of psychology (e.g., school counseling, clinical 心理健康咨询),从而为学生提供互动的机会 学术界以外的应用实践者,使他们的教育经历多样化.  

最后,学生可以从多个以内容为中心的顶点选项中进行选择 real-world situations. Students can do an internship at one of multiple sites, each 提供不同的体验重点,或者学生可以做一个研究顶点 which they design and execute their research project.  

课程准备学生的职业生涯和研究生课程内外 心理学通过强调知识和技能并重才能在千变万化的环境中取得成功 workforce.  

本系专任教师均为博士级专家 专业经验,包括专业研究生和/或研究生 培训和出版历史与每个核心,领域和顶点对齐 areas, ensuring that students will learn from experts in the field. Combined across the faculty, they have dozens of publications (including in high-impact journals) with over 1000 citations.  

Student-Faculty Research 

该系教师积极指导学生研究,通过PSYCH-390, PSYCH-391, or honors theses. This high-impact practice helps students, in a one-on-one relationship, develop their scientific literacy and writing skills. Students regularly present at internal (e.g., SXU Research Expo) and local (e.g., Associated Colleges of the Chicago 地区,中西部心理协会)会议,有些甚至发表 research. These often lead to mentoring students through the graduate school application process and successful acceptance into graduate programs.


该系为学生提供充足的实习机会, including social services, research, behavioral health clinics, and more. Interns 能否发展和加强新技能,并得到有价值的反馈和指导 experienced employees. This experience allows students to further pursue their career 兴趣,将自己所学的学术知识应用到心理学专业设置中 at the bachelor's level, and gain valuable real-world work experience. 

Formalized Professional Development

在SXU的早期学术生涯中,学生们学习心理学-102,心理学作为一门科学 职业,这是一门介绍概念和发展的专业入门课程 学生将在整个专业中使用的技能,并允许部门 scaffold these skills across the curriculum. This course provides the introductory 学生将在其核心领域课程中使用的科学素养概念 and PSYCH-301, Research Methods. This course also provides professional and career 作业,让学生探索不同的职业选择,了解其中 他们需要采取哪些步骤来实现这些职业选择,并制定行动计划 to follow over the next four years that will help them reach their career goals. 

Courses Utilizing Evidence-Based Best Practices for Teaching and Learning

整个项目的课程旨在最大限度地提高学生的学习,包括许多 参与实践,包括动手活动、讨论、演示、实验、翻转 classrooms, hybrid classrooms, and more.

Skills-Based Courses

核心系列课程侧重于通过动手实践来培养技能,例如 as by analyzing data or conducting experiments. Additionally, the courses are taken 为了最大限度地提高学生在批判性思维、科学素养、 writing, data analysis, and collaboration throughout their time in the program.

Studets will be acquire:

  • Knowledge Base in Psychology: Describe key concepts, principles and overarching themes in psychology
  • Scientific Inquiry and Critical Thinking - Scientific Literacy: Demonstrate psychology information literacy. Be able to interpret basic psychological research.
  • Scientific Inquiry and Critical Thinking - Conducting Research: Design and/or conduct basic elements of psychological research.
  • Ethical and Social Responsibility in a Diverse World: Apply ethical standards to evaluate psychological science and practice.
  • Communication - Writing: Demonstrate effective writing.
  • Communication: Speech: Demonstrate effective presentation skills.
  • Professional Development: Develop meaningful professional direction for life after graduation. Specifically demonstrate career option awareness and build teamwork skills.

Why study psychology at SXU?

  • Small class sizes allow for close interaction with your professors and classmates.
  • Each full-time faculty member has a Ph.D. and professional and publication expertise 这与每个核心,领域和顶点领域保持一致,确保学生 will learn from experts in the field.
  • 选修课程由心理学应用领域的专家或从业人员讲授 (e.g., school counseling, clinical mental health counseling), thus providing students opportunities for interacting with applied practitioners outside of academia.
  • 学生有机会与教师一起参与创作 通过进行研究,在当地会议上展示他们的研究, and publishing their research findings.
  • 该系有充足的实习机会让学生应用他们的心理学知识 knowledge to the real world and gain additional real-world experience.
  • 教师投入高效和科学支持的教学实践 and are committed to student success.
  • 课程包括以知识和技能为基础的课程,以确保学生 准备好运用心理学知识、分析思维、科学写作了吗 而识字、定量识字,更能满足择业的要求 of the ever-changing workforce.

Psi Chi is an international honor society whose purpose shall be to encourage, stimulate 尤其要在各个领域保持优秀的学术水平 in psychology, and to advance the science of psychology. The mission of Psi Chi is to produce a well-educated, ethical, and socially responsible member committed to 为心理学的科学和专业以及整个社会做出贡献.

The SXU Psychology Club is an excellent place to meet students who have similar goals and aspirations; everyone is welcome regardless of major! We aim to be a great resource for networking opportunities and research options in the field of psychology. We host a multitude of events throughout the year to help both the community out as well as the Psychology student body.

Students planning to minor in psychology must complete, with a grade of C or better, five courses (15 credit hours) in psychology beyond PSYCH 101. At least three of the courses must be taken at Saint Xavier University.

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